Wednesday, October 23, 2019

College Blog

Hello everyone! I know it's been a long time and I haven't updated my story. I am here to tell you...I still haven't updated my story. I am in between computers at the moment and haven't uploaded my document to this one from my drive yet.

However, I have started a blog that discusses my college life, American Sign Language, and other things related to that. If you're at all interested in ASL or what an Interpreting program looks like, I'd recommend you check out my new blog. The blog post linked is a sexual harassment discussion in relation to my experience with it. My first blog post is about shy people in an ASLIE program.

Please read and share my new blog, I'd love to see more experience related information on the internet about ASL programs. 

Saturday, August 3, 2019


Lately, my life has been unusually busy, which has caused book writing to stall. I picked up a second job to add to my first job. In addition to those two "official" jobs, I am also helping at my dad's bookstore and creating the church bulletin. The last two are volunteer and unpaid.

Because of this, I haven't been able to keep up with sign language (I watch videos to keep my receptive up). I also have not been able to write my book.

For about a week I was in Texas with my dad and a few church members for a conference. The conference was about Abortion. I am an abolitionist, so that is why I was there. It was a good conference and very uplifting for my spirit.

I am actually going to overhaul my book when I get the chance. I think there are a few chapters that could be done differently. They have an...unsettling undertone that I did not intend. I didn't see it until I read it again, so I am going to change those chapters. Also, there are some grammatical errors that need to be fixed.
