Friday, May 18, 2018

Writing Update


I now have a facebook group that is dedicated to editing my book. It has around 6 or 7 readers in the group, so hopefully, I can start working out some issues.

On the same line of thinking, if any of y'all are interested in a Facebook Page for my story, if there is enough interest, I'd be happy to consider coming up with one. I would want to wait until I had the 6th chapter up. Historically, I have only ever been able to write 5 chapters before my brain runs out of ideas. I am on five chapters now, I have been attempting to write a paragraph a day.

During the school year, I get so busy that I am unable to write. This summer I plan to focus most of my time on Blogs, When the Sky Caught Fire, Knitting, and other work I have lined up. (Mostly odd jobs) And of course, I am doing my normal photography.

How did my school year go? I know most of y'all probably don't care, but here it is anyway. I got two As, one B, and a C. In my health course I got an S, so I passed all my courses. Next semester I am going to work hard to get either As or Bs and no Cs. I would like my GPA to go up a little, if at all possible. I have a 3.1 which is too close to a 2.9 for me. Can you tell I'm a perfectionist?

Sometimes because of my perfectionism, I have difficulty when writing. I want it to be perfect the first time. So, I'm forcing myself to write and upload chapters first before editing. The raw/rough draft is on purpose so I can get reader feedback on dialogue, character representation, and grammar.

Thanks for reading!